We The New You Hair Clinic Use A Different Method called Trychophytic Closure Method.
Let Me Explain What is Trychophytic Closure Method?
Trychophytic Closure is One of the technique of Hair Transplantation where growth of hair is promoted through the hair scar Tissue,This Method is the most advanced hair transplantation technique used by highly experienced and most practiced doctors.
One of the Main Advantage of Trychophytic closure results in undetectable scar and significantly reduces the appearance of scarring and making it virtually invisible.We at The New You Hair Clinic in Bangalore Follow this Trychophytic Closure Method which is very advance suturing technique in FUT Hair Transplant.
Trychophytic Closure Method is performed at the donar area after the strip is harvested this technique virtually leaves negligible scar at donar area .We are Proud to say Our Patients are greatly benefited by the method.
Let Me Explain What is Trychophytic Closure Method?
Trychophytic Closure is One of the technique of Hair Transplantation where growth of hair is promoted through the hair scar Tissue,This Method is the most advanced hair transplantation technique used by highly experienced and most practiced doctors.
One of the Main Advantage of Trychophytic closure results in undetectable scar and significantly reduces the appearance of scarring and making it virtually invisible.We at The New You Hair Clinic in Bangalore Follow this Trychophytic Closure Method which is very advance suturing technique in FUT Hair Transplant.
Trychophytic Closure Method is performed at the donar area after the strip is harvested this technique virtually leaves negligible scar at donar area .We are Proud to say Our Patients are greatly benefited by the method.