Hair Transplant in Bangalore

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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Advantages of FUE Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant has been widely accepted for treatment various hair loss or baldness. There are various techniques and procedures available to the patients who are seeking for hair transplant surgery. FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) Hair Transplant is one of those techniques which is performed by using local anesthesia for grafting hairs.

FUE Hair Transplant has several advantages of grafting the hairs to achieve desirable results. FUE Hair Transplant has less or no invasive compared to FUT technique. However, there are two types of techniques involved in the FUE procedure for grafting the hairs. They are Manual FUE and Rotary FUE.

Compared to Rotary FUE machine, manual FUE is a time taking process which involves by performing FUE punches of varying diameters to graft the hairs. Normally, the healing time of the FUE donor area is
quicker and heals in 2 to 3 days.

Whereas, in Rotary FUE, maximum numbers of hair grafts are transplanted resulting in a time-saving method. It is performed by using an FUE hand, piece by placing over the trimmed hairs on the
donor area and the punches rotates and cuts through the skin, making a depth of 3 to 4 mm to extract the maximum number of hair grafts.

 In FUE technique, the hair follicles are usually taken at the back of the scalp and sometimes it is taken from other body areas such as chest and beard. Other than scalp hair transplant, FUE Hair transplant is performed for sideburn hair transplant, beard hair transplant, mustache hair transplant, eyebrow hair transplant, eyelashes and chin hair transplant.

FUE hair transplant is widely used in most parts of the cities in India. Additionally, patients across the world like USA, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAE, South Africa, France, Italy and other countries
are visiting India to avail FUE hair transplant treatment.

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